Monday, May 26, 2008

What is pilates?

is made up of great exercises that consist of stretching, and tightening up and toning the core muscles, or your "powerhouse" . With a healthy regime, and adding cardio exercise, you can lose weight; however, The focus of pilates is to strengthen your core.

Pilates benefits people of all ages, regardless of aptitudes and fitness levels. While Pilates help strengthen your core, it helps to condition the overall body with low-impact approach. As in anything you do in life, it requires patience and practice, but results will follow.

With time and dedication, Pilates practice can:

Improve strength, flexibility and balance.

Tone and build long, lean muscles without bulk.

Challenge deep abdominal muscles to support the core.

Engage the mind and enhance body awareness.

Condition efficient patterns of movement making the body less prone to injury.

Reduce stress, relieve tension, boost energy through deep stretching.

Restore postural alignment.

Create a stronger core.

Increase joint range of motion.

Improve circulation.

Heighten neuromuscular coordination.

Offer relief from back pain and joint stress.

Enhance mobility, agility and stamina.

Compliment sports training and develop functional fitness for daily life activity.

Improve the way your body looks and feels overall.

Pilates is not intense , it is a great exercise to complete in recovery mode or of you have injuries. It is not an ideal exercise for weight loss due to the fact that you don't burn as many calories however, it is great for increasing stamina and endurance and does promote healthy mind healthy body! Pilates is great if used with cardio abd a healthy diet, especially if weight loss is your main goal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Takk fyrir ahugaverdar upplysingar

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